
Explain what leadership traits do you have

In the text we touched upon the notion of leaders who demonstrate task behavior and those that demonstrate relationship behavior.

Describe a situation in which a leader with a predominantly relationship behavior leadership style would be better suited.

Next, describe a situation in which a leader with a predominantly task behavior leadership style would be better suited.

What kind of leader do you think you would be and why? What leadership traits do you have? If you have a little of both task behavior traits and relationship behavior traits do you think you are truly a situational leader? Justify your response using examples

Compile a 3-5 page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Include at least 3 references in your paper.


  • Clearly described a situation where a relationship behavior leadership style is appropriate.
  • Clearly described a situation where a task behavior leadership style is appropriate.
  • Explained and justified leadership style and traits.
  • Applied APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references.

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Reference No:- TGS0528357

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