Explain what keep you from calculating fraction of people


Use the ZipDemography data from the dcData package for the following tasks.

• Make a scatter plot showing the relationship, if any, between the number of Foreignborn people in a zip code and the number who Speak a language other than English at home 5 years and over. (Note that such long variable names ought to be avoided as a matter of good style.)

Warning: do NOT attempt to facet by ZIP code as you explore solutions. Doing so is very computationally intense (i.e., takes a long time if it finishes at all) only to show that one facet for each ZIP code is not a useful data visualization.

• Explain what would keep you, at this point, from calculating the fraction of people in each state who have a Bachelors degree or higher. Say how you would go about constructing such a plot - but don't actually do it! Too much work.

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Computer Engineering: Explain what keep you from calculating fraction of people
Reference No:- TGS03312541

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