
Explain what is meant by the value style and growth style


You are about to assemble a new long-term $100,000,000 investment portfolio on behalf of a U.S. based foundation. You will consider all major publicly traded asset classes and alternative investments. As outlined below, please describe what each asset class is comprised of, it's expected relative risk and return and its likely beneficial and adverse qualities for your portfolio. Also, explain why you decide to include or exclude the asset from your new investment portfolio.

U.S. Equities

Foreign Developed Market Equities

Emerging Markets Equities

U.S. Treasuries


Corporate Bonds (investment grade and high yield)

Real Estate

Hedge Funds

Private Equity Funds

Venture Capital Funds

Explain what is meant by the value style and growth style in equity investments. What sort of return and volatility have been experienced over long periods of time for each of these styles? Why would you include or exclude these styles of equity in your new investment portfolio?

How do we classically distinguish between different sizes of companies? What sort of return and volatility has been experienced generally across different sizes of companies over long periods of time? Why would you include or exclude various sizes of companies in your new investment portfolio?

Finally, list the components of your portfolio along with the dollars and percentage that you will allocate to each component and your primary motivation(s) for that investment.

Please organize your presentation in exactly the order described above. Please covey your responses in a clear, complete and concise manner. Bullet points and phrases are fine if your meaning is not ambiguous. I expect that presentations will be well organized and professional.

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Microeconomics: Explain what is meant by the value style and growth style
Reference No:- TGS01819441

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