
Explain what is fritzing and what are the benefits and

The objective of this assignment is to demonstrate how to use the diagramming tool Fritzing and how a small Arduino application can be modelled with Fritzing.


Work individually.

1. Use the diagramming tool Fritzing to create a diagram about the following Arduino application: Using the Arduino Nano microcontroller board to control three servo motors. A photoresistor must be also connected to the Nano. Add notes about the components to the Fritzing diagram. Explain its parts (add notes) on the diagram. Investigate how to properly connect the servos and the photoresistor to the board. So, the diagram should also include necessary components such as an external power source for the servos, transistors, etc.

The Arduino Nano is supposed to activate the servo motors when the photoresistor receives enough ambient light.

You don't have to code anything in this assignment.

2. Explain what is Fritzing and what are the benefits and possible challenges of modelling (diagramming) an Arduino application using Fritzing. Write examples, etc. You should cite references about Fritzing. Be detailed, I expect to read at least a page on this.

Write a report on the above. Your report should have at least 2 pages (including the page from the description of the benefits and challenges of Fritzing), single-spaced, 12pt font, in PDF format. Include a screenshot of your Fritzing diagram. You may include small pictures or tables, citing their sources. Do not copy and paste (plagiarize) information from the Internet, articles or books or other student's Fritzing diagrams. It is not enough to cite the sources; write as much as you can in your own words. You can also paraphrase without overusing it. If you plagiarize in this assignment, your grade will be zero (0). Do not cite Wikipedia pages. As stated in the syllabus: Penalt(y/ies) for late assignments: 20% off per day, no exceptions.

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Computer Engineering: Explain what is fritzing and what are the benefits and
Reference No:- TGS02793584

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