Explain what information you propose to collect on diabetes


Health Care Information Review Proposal

• Introduction

o Explain what information you propose to collect on diabetes. Describe how this information could be used to validate or improve the quality of care at your facility.

• Data Collection Plan

o Propose an implementation plan and detail the information you plan to collect at your facility, including where and how it will be collected. The time period you propose to review. propose a narrative, a timeline, build a flowchart, or use any other method of your choosing to demonstrate the flow of health record information through the information life cycle from creation to destruction. Identify those sections within the life cycle from which you will retrieve information.

• Data Security Plan

o Plan measures to protect PHI. Apply laws governing health information confidentiality, privacy, and security.

• Benchmarking Plan

o Describe how you will use the national data and quality measures as benchmarks to compare with data from your facility. Explain how you will ensure data standardization, along with any other factors you need to take into account, so the data from these sources is compatible with the data you plan to collect.

• Quality and Change Management Strategies

o Explain how data outcomes could be used to perform quality improvement reviews and recommend evidence-based best practices for policies and procedures based on outcomes. Describe relevant evidence-based best practices and procedures from peer-reviewed articles or Internet resources that could facilitate needed changes.

• Implementation

o Detail the steps for implementing the information review study on diabetes along with the expected time frames.

• Conclusion

o Summarize how the proposed study on diabetes will improve the quality of patient care for your physician group.

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Business Management: Explain what information you propose to collect on diabetes
Reference No:- TGS03320917

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