Write 3 pages in which you explain what grieving is, describe the grieving process for two populations and analyze the differences, and determine a theory of development or model of grief that explains how each population grieves.
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.
Library Resources
The following articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:
van Gennip, I. E., Roeline, H., Pasman, W., Kaspers, P. J., Oosterveld-Vlug, M. G., Willems, D. L., . . .Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D. (2013). Death with dignity from the perspective of the surviving family: A survey study among family caregivers of deceased older adults. Palliative Medicine, 27(7), 616-624.
Nissim, R., Rennie, D., Fleming, S., Hales, S., Gagliese, L., & Rodin, G. (2012). Goals set in the land of the living/dying: A longitudinal study of patients living with advanced cancer. Death Studies, 36(4), 360-390.
Wong, P. T. P., & Tomer, A. (2011). Beyond terror and denial: The positive psychology of death acceptance. Death Studies, 35(2), 99-106.
Kurt, L. J., & Piazza, N. J. (2012). Ethical guidelines for counselors when working with clients with terminal illness requesting physician aid in dying. Adultspan Journal, 11(2), 89-96.
Pruchno, R. A., Cartwright, F. P., & Wilson-Genderson, M. (2009). Effects of marital closeness on the transition from caregiving to widowhood. Aging & Mental Health, 13(6), 808-817.
Reimers, E. (2011). Primary mourners and next-of-kin - How grief practices reiterate and subvert heterosexual norms. Journal of Gender Studies, 20(3), 251-262.
Morgan, J. P., & Roberts, J. E. (2010). Helping bereaved children and adolescents: Strategies and implications for counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 32(3), 206-217.
Minju, K., & Foreman, M. D. (2011). Korean American adult children's beliefs about what their parents want at the end of life. Clinical Gerontologist, 34(4), 305-318.
Winograd, R. (2012). The balance between providing support, prolonging suffering, and promoting death: Ethical issues surrounding psychological treatment of a terminally ill client. Ethics & Behavior, 22(1), 44-59.
Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the PSYC-FP3210 - Human Lifespan Development Library Guide to help direct your research.
Internet Resources
Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have either been granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
The National Council for Palliative Care. (2012). Dying matters. Retrieved from www.dyingmatters.org
Growth House, Inc. (n.d.). growthhouse.org. Retrieved from https://www.growthhouse.org
MedlinePlus. (2014). End of life issues. Retrieved from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/endoflifeissues.html
Assessment Instructions
For this assessment, you will choose one of two topics on the topic of grief and loss to examine. Your research efforts should focus either on how children and adults grieve, or on the cultural differences in grieving. Locate at least 3 scholarly or professional research articles to use.
Choose one of the two topics listed below to examine:
A comparison of the bereavement and grieving processes of children and adults.
A comparison of the grieving processes of two different cultures.
Your submitted assessment should include the following:
Explain what grieving is. Does it always involve the physical death of a loved one?
Describe the grieving processes for the two populations you have selected (children and adults, or two different cultures).
Analyze the differences in the way the two groups grieve.
What theories of development or models of grief might be applied to explain how each group grieves?
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Your writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message and is consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.
APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to APA style.
Resources: Minimum of two scholarly or professional resources. Note: Popular resources such as Wikipedia or About.com are not considered to be appropriate.
Length: Approximately three typed, double-spaced pages not including title page and reference page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.