
Explain what demonstration and definition speeches are

Discuss the below:

Assignment 1: Discussion

Go to the Discussion Area and post responses to two of the options of your choice.

Option 1

View speech video 11. Discuss whether it meets the criteria for a good informative speech. You will find these criteria under "Guidelines for Informative Speaking" in your text. If you think the effectiveness and impact of the speech could be enhanced, post your suggestions for improvement.

Remember that you are evaluating whether the speaker met the criteria for a good informative speech. You are not primarily critiquing his delivery skills.

View the transcript for this video.

Option 2

Explain what demonstration and definition speeches are. Then provide examples of each type from your own experience. You may use either speeches you have presented or ones you have viewed. In your answer you need to take us point by point through each of your examples and tell us how the speaker attempted to ensure that the audience understood the speaker's meaning. 

Option 3

What topic have you selected for your informative speech? What information do you possess about the audience's level of knowledge about your topic? What aspects of the topic do you think the audience will find most interesting? What other information about the audience do you need in order to give an informative speech that keeps the audience interested and involved? 

Choose two options for your response, and make two posts in the Discussion Area below. Make sure that you list your option number in the subject line of your post.

Begin commenting on at least 2 of your peers' responses. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be objective, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.

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Other Subject: Explain what demonstration and definition speeches are
Reference No:- TGS01809022

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