
Explain what are your gifts and abilities


Please read following instructions for following 2 papers. Use following books for reference:

Kushner, H. (2002). When all you've ever wanted isn't enough: The search for a life that matters. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Schwehn, M. R., & Bass, D. C. (Eds.). (2006). Leading lives that matter: What we should do and who we should be. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.

A Bible: Seek a modern translation from the original languages as opposed to a translation of a translation.

1) Reflective Writing Assignment 3: "My Vocation"

What are your gifts and abilities? What are you most interested in and passionate about? "Where does your deep gladness meet the world's deep hunger?" To what are you being "called?" Does that calling fit with what you are pursuing with your education?

Your paper should be 500 words and double-spaced.
Please follow APA guidelines for your essay. All sources used must be cited and referenced accordingly.

2) Reflective Writing Assignment 4: "Vocational Comparison?"

In this paper, you will compare and contrast the vocation paper you wrote in Unit V with the thoughts and feelings you had at the beginning of your enrollment to this college. Examine your beliefs when you started your program at this college. Have your interests, passions, talents, and abilities changed over time? How has your understanding of vocation and of your place in the world changed? Do you hear different calls now than you did when you first started your journey of higher education?

Your paper should be 500 words and double spaced.

Please follow APA guidelines for your essay. All sources used must be cited and referenced accordingly.

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English: Explain what are your gifts and abilities
Reference No:- TGS02010002

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