
Explain what are the benefits and possible challenges of


1. Investigate and explain what is microcontroller simulation.

Find at least two examples of existing microcontroller simulators/emulators (either open source or commercial applications) and describe their main characteristics. Add web links and references (e.g. articles, books' references).

2. Explain what are the benefits and possible challenges of emulating/simulating microcontroller board applications. You can also cite references about this.

Write a report on the above. Write at least 3 pages, single-spaced, 12pt font, in PDF format. You may include small pictures, citing their sources. Do not copy and paste (plagiarize) information from the Internet, articles or books. Do not plagiarize the code. It is not enough to cite the sources. Write as much as you can in your own words. You can also paraphrase but don't overuse it. If you plagiarize in this assignment, your grade will be zero (0). Do not cite Wikipedia pages. As stated in the syllabus: Penalt(y/ies) for late assignments: 20% off per day, no exceptions.

The part below is in the assignment but I will do it by myself ( I just want to explain it here for clarification)

3. Create an account and run this online circuit simulator (tinkercad)

Create an example in it simulating a traffic light with an Arduino Uno microcontroller board and four LEDs (one red, one yellow, one green and one extra green LED simulating a left arrow). Each LED will be on for 3 seconds, lighting them in sequence, one LED at a time. Add a pushbutton to activate the traffic light once. You will need to write the code for simulating the traffic light. Do not use blocks, use text (code). Document the code properly, commenting the main functions, variables, etc.

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Computer Engineering: Explain what are the benefits and possible challenges of
Reference No:- TGS02782555

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