
Explain what affect if any the article topic has on you


Find a current Human Resources article that discusses traditional and/or contemporary training methods. Prepare a one-page summary and analysis of your article.

Include the following information:

1) Summarize the content of the article?

2) Identify and discuss who will be most affected by the subject in the article (employees, managers, unions, customers) and how will they be affected..

3) What is the major training/development topic that this article affects?

4) Explain what affect, if any, the article topic has on you?

5) Critique the article. Evaluate how the topic in the article adds to the course.

6) Identify and discuss which parts of the article you agree with? Disagree with?

7) Identify and discuss what the author(s) may have failed to discuss in the article regarding the topic.

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HR Management: Explain what affect if any the article topic has on you
Reference No:- TGS03241551

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