Explain Water soluble vitamins for Infants?
Thiamin, riboflavin and niacin requirements are met through breast milk alone and solely breast-fed infants meet their requirements. Table 14.7 gives their requirements in per kg body weight (BW) basis. ICMR (1990) recommends thiamin @ 0.5 mg/ 1000 Kcal in preschoolers. Riboflavin can be calculated @ 0.6 mg/1000 Kcal and niacin @ 6.6 mgI1000 Kcal, as done for adults. Levels of vitamin B, (pyridoxine) in breast milk are not adequate and infant may draw upon their stores initially. ICMR (1990) has based its recommendations on the levels of pyridoxine in breast milk of western mother.
ICMR (1990) recommends 25 mcg of folate for infants and 30 mcg (1-3 years) and 40 mcg (4-6 years) for preschoolers by interpolation data. Similarly, it recommends 0.2 mcg of vitamin BIZ for infants for normal haemopoesis. Usual breast milk content of B12 (0.05 mcg) does not meet infant needs. Vitamin B12 requirements of infants is 0.2 mcg and for adult 1.0 mcg/d. For children, it is computed from the interpolation data. ICMR (1990) recommends 25 mg of vitamin C intake and breast-fed infants in well- nourished population received 20 mg/d. Preschoolers is recommended 40 mg due to its beneficial effect on absorption of non-haem iron.