Explain visual illusion as a metaphor for rationality

Assignment task:

Ariely chooses to use "visual illusion as a metaphor for rationality" (1). In this space what is a metaphor and what is rationality"? Describe the examples he uses to illustrate this metaphor.

At the start of the essay, Ariely chronicles his attempts to publish a cookbook. Explain how this story illustrates his argument about decision-making.

Ariely writes, "If we have these predictable repeatable mistakes in vision, which we're so good at, what are the chances we won't make even more mistakes in something we're not as good at, for example, financial decision making"(2). What is a visual illusion? Why is it easy to make mistakes based on what we see visually?

What is a "cognitive illusion"(2)? How is it different than a visual illusion?

When discussing the difference in DMV organ donor form in various European countries, Ariely point out how "the person who designed the form will have a huge influence on what you'll end yp doing'(3). What does he mean by this? Do you agree?

According to Ariely, why should the example he uses from Redel Meier and Shafir worry us about visiting our physicians (4)?

Looking at the example with the 100 Mit students, why was the middle option both "useless" and not useless at the same time for making a decision (5)?

How does a "similar, but slightly uglier" option influence us when we make decisions (6)? How does Ariely illustrate this point?

Ariely reaches the conclusion that "we actually don't know our perferences that well. And because we don't know our preferences that well, we're susceptible to all of these influences from the external forces: the defaults, the particular options that are presented to us, and so on" (5). Why does he say this? In other words, what does he mean?

In what specific ways do we as a society address our physical limitations, according to Ariel? Why don't we do the same for our cognitive limitations?

In his final words, Ariely ecplains that if we address our cognitive limiting limitations, "we could design a better world" (6) What does he mean by this? Do you agree?

When making a difficult decision do you go tend to with your gut or weigh all the option?

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