• Regarding Henri Labrouste's Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève, Barry Bergdoll explains in his chapter 6 that Labrouste, a leader of the "Romantics," was "the first to confront the issue of what a synthetic modem architecture might be" and that he turned to iron for symbolic reasons. Briefly describe (approximately Fifty words or less) the library's design in light of Labrouste's modern ideas, emphasizing the symbolism.
• In the following chapter, Bergdoll emphasizes Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc's admiration for the Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève, along with his convictions about medieval cathedrals and the new iron technology. This made him the day's "leading exponent of structural rationalism." Briefly explain (approximately Fifty ords or less) Viollet-le-Duc's concept of modern architecture as based on his theories about structural rationalism.