
Explain utilitarian and kantian approaches on issue

Deal with how we should allocate scarce medical resources, such as expensive operations, artificial and natural organs, life support and diagnostic machines, etc. Examine the utilitarian and Kantian approaches on this issue and the pros and cons of each. Do you believe that some sort of age-based rationing will be necessary and what should be the guidelines determining what should be rationed and who will lose out? Would it be better for the government to make such decisions or allow privately owned insurance companies to do so? On organs, should we continue to rely on voluntary donors or switch to a system in which one is presumed to have given permission unless one has specifically stated otherwise? Would you resent having your organs used without your specific permission once brain dead, or should the interests of the living always take precedence over those of the dead? Give reasons for holding your view.

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Reference No:- TGS0548205

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