
Explain using a concept map the findings of the case


A 23 y/o rice farmer went to the ER due to fever of 5 days duration, severe headache, body pains, and mild abdominal pain. He also had episodes of vomiting. Recently, he noticed that his urine is tea-colored, he feels very weak, & has not urinated in the past 24 hours, hence the consult.

On PE:
VITAL SIGNS: BP: 80/60 CR: 102/min Temp: 39C
GENERAL: Lethargic, dehydrated looking patient with dry lips & skin. Yellowish-tinged skin.
HEENT: conjunctival suffusion with icteric sclerae
CHEST/LUNGS: harsh breath sounds, tachycardic heart rate but regular, no murmurs
ABDOMEN: liver palpable to about 3-4 cms below the right subcostal margin, tender on palpation
EXTREMITIES: with pain on palpation of calf area
LABS: thrombocytopenia, increased SGPT, SGOT, increased total bilirubin, increased creatinine

Task: Diagnosis: Leptospirosis

• Explain using a concept map the findings/ pathophysiology of the case.

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Biology: Explain using a concept map the findings of the case
Reference No:- TGS03303598

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