Explain UNSC Resolution 1624 and when it is passed
The most-recent such resolution is UNSC Resolution 1624 passed in the year 2005. It states:
"1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:
(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct; "
Keeping both the ILC draft laws and the UNSC resolutions in perspective, it can easily be said that the latter take broader view as compared to the former. ILC gives some leverage to states to take the plea of non-liability, but UN enhances this burden by making persons who are planning of committing an offence also responsible.