Explain unit of currency to remain the unit of account

identify three roles for money: money is a unit of account, a store of value and acts as a medium of exchange. Give a brief description of these terms, highlighting the "problem" that money is solving in each case. Are these three roles independent of each other? To address this question, think about the following. Suppose money exists in an economy, and fulfills all three roles mentioned above. Now suppose that the government directs the central bank to print large quantities of extra currency, and uses that currency to buy goods and services. What do you predict will happen to the currency as a store of value? Will it make sense for the unit of currency to remain the unit of account? In view of the changes you list here, do you think that the currency will continue to be accepted as a medium of exchange? Can you find historical examples of situations where these changes occurred? If the local currency is rejected as a unit of account and a medium of exchange, what alternatives might be found to take its place?

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Microeconomics: Explain unit of currency to remain the unit of account
Reference No:- TGS063777

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