
Explain types of qualitative and quantitative data

Unit 6 Discussion- Exploring Hybrid Action Learning Data Tools

In prior discussions, you were introduced to various analytic tools used in the public needs assessment planning process.

However, in this unit, you understood that the complexity of the needs-based SAF may require a hybrid action planning process. For this, you further explored the hybrid action learning data tools used in gathering quantitative and qualitative data and analysis methods to supplement your understanding of the needs-based planning and prioritization process.

1. By way of updating your understanding, the qualitative data is part of what you will use to determine themes or groupings of needs, and its analysis will help with the process of prioritization.

2. On the other hand, the quantitative datasets are statistics typically represented as objective numbers used to quantify the scope of a problem or the potential societal change as a result of a solution.

3. Explain the types of qualitative and quantitative (objective numerical) data gathering tools you plan to use, their purposes to inform the thinking on your public needs assessment project, and support decision making in this community-based or government-influenced public problem.

4. Think about what kinds of action learning information would be required to help understand the scope and depth of the problem.

5. Describe qualitative themes you might expect to see and areas of the problem they might measure quantitatively, as well as how they will contribute to methods of prioritization. Note any missing qualitative data pieces and quantitative datasets that might be critical to making a good public needs assessment Prioritization decision in your proposed case example.

6. Explain how you would use these categories of background information and what you believe you will do with it in terms of structural analysis.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Explore essential logistics for creating needs assessment committee or needs assessment team to constitute the stakeholder group representation.

2. Examine the characteristics of action learning models used in determining the needs-based situational analysis framework.

3. Identify appropriate roles for stakeholder involvement within the needs assessment committee or needs assessment team in the needs-based prioritization and planning process.

4. Explore action learning data tools used for gathering qualitative and quantitative data as components of hybrid action public needs assessments and planning.

5. Examine methods of qualitative and qualitative assessment processes and statistical or predictive database used as a structural analysis of data theme development to inform public needs assessment projects.


***Note: Be certain to read the unit introduction, as it may contain important information and references pertaining to this unit's content and activities.

INTRODUCTION - Creating Needs Assessment Team, Action Learning Data Tools, and Hybrid Action Planning

Stakeholder involvement in the needs-based planning process is essential, if not even indispensable, for conceptualizing the problem concept because stakeholders are by and large the owners of the issues needed to be addressed. Removing stakeholders from the needs assessment planning process can be likened to the paralysis of the heart of the problem, and at which point, there is no issue at stake for action learning and planning worthy of investigation.

Problem ownership is thus at the heart of identifying people whose interests are at stake so as to validate the inclusiveness of parties, people, citizens, policymakers, service providers, research actors, organizational members, community planners, and all relevant groups for stakeholder representation. The NAC or needs assessment team (NAT) constitutes the group to which the stakeholder representation can be established.

In creating such representation, an action learning model that characterizes what it really means to be problem owners, problem identifiers, problem assessors, problem managers, problem solvers, action planners, action researchers, and action intervention team players are among the relevant areas that should be considered. Given the variations characterizing the stakeholder representation, the action learning model used should be determined by how the needs-based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets' interests for structural analysis.

The category of datasets' interests can be generated by the action learning data tools in the form of qualitative and quantitative instruments or needs-based analytic tools explored in the previous units. However, to better facilitate the structural analysis of the combined qualitative and quantitative data, such needs-based data gathered will also require a hybrid action planning process with the stakeholder group. For this, in creating the community NAT or NAC, you, as the action learning facilitator or as an action research facilitator representing a particular stakeholder group, will gather many different types of data.

The qualitative components, coming from interviews, focus groups, and other survey and verbal sources are typically represented as words. Quantitative datasets, on the other hand, most often are represented as numbers and more specifically statistics. Both types of data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness that need to be recognized.

If the problems are recognized, they can be corrected, adjusted for, or eliminated as part of the decision-making process. Remember that the end result of a public needs assessment is ideally an informed decision, made with input from stakeholders at NAC or NAT, problem owners in the public domain, or those who are part of the government decision-making process.

The needs-based SAF defined through the datasets gathered and their eventual prioritization will form the basis of the structural analysis for action learning, action research or a government policy action for social change that requires the commitment of resources and assessment against other stakeholder actions or government alternatives.

Therefore, it is imperative to consider what action learning model you would use to ensure that the right people are represented on the NAT or NAC. Another crucial area to consider is how you would go about making sure that the needs based SAF chosen is reflective of the category of datasets' interests for structural analysis. And, given that the combined data are subject to messy problems of accuracy and completeness, you should also consider how you would make sure the data is clean.

Thus, you have dug through the data, adjusted or corrected it to make sure you have represented the results as accurately as possible and gathered it all in one place for the NAC or NAT to review. But, how can you combine qualitative words and quantitative numbers, though? How does one category of data support or detract from the needs alluded to in the other?

That is the challenge of this particular prioritization step in the needs assessment process. First, the data must be stated in a way that is comprehensible to the NAC or NAT membership as a whole, and that could be difficult based on each person's differing level of education, familiarity with the particular data, and role in gathering it.

Second, sources may corroborate or refute one another, and central needs still must be defined. Finally, all of the needs may not have the same long-term impact on public value or may not serve the same benefits. This unit focuses on the methods used to prioritize the needs the NAC or NAT has been assessing, which then creates that committee's recommendations for action.

*** Use your Bridging the Gap Between Asset/Capacity Building and Needs Assessment text to read Chapter 5, "Step 5-8; Completing the Hybrid Process," pages 105-133.

Use your Conducting Needs Assessments text to complete the following:

- Read Chapter 5, "Quantitative Methods Assessments," pages 75-108.

- Read Chapter 6, "Quantitative Data Preparation and Statistical Analyses," pages 109-119.

- Read Chapter 7, "Qualitative Assessment Methods," pages 121-135.

- Read Chapter 8, "Qualitative Data Preparation and Analyses," pages 137-151.

- Read Chapter 9, "Recruiting and Collecting Data from Participants," pages 155-167.

Use your ABC of Action Learning library e-book to complete the following:

- Read Chapter 2, "Essential Logistics," pages 17-39.

- Read Chapter 3, "The Characteristics of the Manager," pages 41-51.

You have learned about the importance of developing a balanced SAF and the variations or combined needs based analytical tools used in gathering data for the facilitation of the needs assessment planning process. Now, you should consider how the triangulation or combination of qualitative and quantitative tools can complement the needs-based data gathering process.

Complete the following:

• Quantitative Needs Assessment Methods Transcripts - Please Read.

• Writing Qualitative Survey Questions Transcripts - Please Read. This will help you learn how to write qualitative research questions.

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Operation Management: Explain types of qualitative and quantitative data
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