
explain transfer of culture from one liquid media

Explain Transfer of Culture from One Liquid Media to another Liquid Media?

1. Inoculating loop is to be held in the right hand. It is sterilized by incineration in the inner blue portion (hottest) of the flame until it becomes red hot. Upper steel portion of the handle is also passed rapidly through the flame. The loop is cooled by holding for 10-20 seconds in air near the flame or by dipping in fresh medium. Never place the sterilized loop on working bench.

2. The broth culture tube is thoroughly mixed by thumping the bottom of the tube. Both the culture tube and the fresh broth tube are grasped in left hand.

3. Cotton plugs or caps of both the tubes are removed by holding one cap with the little finger and the second with the next finger of right hand (Hand carrying the inoculating loop). The caps should be kept in the hand with the inner aspect of the caps or plugs pointing away from the palm of the hand. Never place caps or cotton plugs on the working bench to avoid contamination.

4. The mouth of both the tubes is passed through the flame and then the loopful of the culture is transferred from the culture tube to fresh medium.

5. Again the mouth is flamed to avoid contamination and the caps/plugs are replaced to respective tubes.

6. Inoculating wire is reflamed immediately after transfer, to destroy adhering microorganisms.

7. The tubes are incubated in the incubator or shaker at 37C overnight.


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Biology: explain transfer of culture from one liquid media
Reference No:- TGS0292667

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