Design and construct a cross-functional flowchart (workflow diagram/chart) for referring a patient (from the primary care physician) to a cardiologist, (a) before using the EHR ("before redesign") and (b) using an EHR ("after redesign").
Note: You are required to construct the cross-functional flowchart in Visio. Drawing them on paper or using other software such as word is not acceptable and, after a little bit of practice, you'll find that Visio is a much easier tool to construct these diagrams.
Explain the workflow in your own words in a Word document. Then compare and contrast the differences in the workflow without EHR and with EHR. In addition, evaluate the key changes between the paper-based workflow and EHR-based workflow along the following dimensions: (a) time taken for process steps in each workflow; (b) tasks that can be done in parallel (simultaneously) in each workflow; (c) amount of training needed for employees to handle different tasks in each workflow; and (d) benefits of redesigning the workflow to an EHR-based workflow.