
Explain the ways an organization with which you are


Part 1

Customer Satisfaction and Customer Relationships and Market Research Tools

Explain the way(s) an organization with which you are familiar measures quality and customer satisfaction. What can be done to improve CRM?

Lastly, explain how you can personally have a positive impact on customer loyalty in your position.

Part 2 :Leadership discussion

This weeks reading discussed a number of current leadership theories. In order to deepen our understanding of how these theories can be applied to our practice in health care, choose one theory and describe one practical way to apply that particular theory to leadership in your clinical or administrative practice and how utilizing that theory differs from your current leadership principals/practice (or those of a leader who you work under).

Here are a couple additional readings on leadership theory. The first is a publication on leadership in health care out of the United Kingdom with a section that discusses leadership theory in health care. The second is an article on transformational leadership, one of the most commonly applied theories in health care leadership publications.

Leadership and Leadership Development in Health Care

Smith PO. Leadership in Academic Medical Centers: Transactional and Transformational Leadership

Part 3 Marketing Communication Discussion

Marketing Communication

"Slightly Exaggerated" Please respond to the following:

• Go to the Federal Trade Commission Website located at https://www.ftc.gov/. Search for Deceptive Advertising. At Results, scroll down to Filter by Content Type and choose Case. Then Filter by Date and select this year or last year. Select a recent case involving deceptive advertising. 1) Read the Press Release; 2) Watch the video exhibit (if available); 3) Read the Complaint; 4) Read the Decision and Order.

• From the FTC case you have selected, analyze the key elements of the case, including the deceptive practice in which the company was engaged, the final decision, and the penalty assessed against the company.

• Generate at least two (2) recommendations for how the company involved in the case could have avoided deceptive advertising, including safeguards that should have been in place to prevent the deceptive advertising in question.

***This is a discussion, NOT a paper. Need 2 strong paragraphs and references.***

Part 4 Ability or Motivation

Determine whether ability or motivation is more important in selecting the right person for the right job. Explain your rationale.

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Business Management: Explain the ways an organization with which you are
Reference No:- TGS02213043

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