explain the wave particle dualityany object in

Explain the Wave Particle Duality

Any object in the world can be considered to be a particle or wave and will exhibit properties of both. For example, a photon of light, an electron, and a moving baseball all have wave- and particle-like properties. Any object has an associated deBroglie wavelength, suggested by a young Ph.D. candidate, Louis deBroglie, in 1924. The deBroglie wavelength is given by

λ = h /mv 
where λ is the deBroglie wavelength in m, h is Planck's constant ( h = 6.626 x 10 -34 Js), m is mass of the object in kg, and v is its speed in m/s. We have dealt a bit with the wave nature of light in the last few chapters. As a particle, light comes only in discrete packages called photons. For a given frequency of light you cannot have less than one photon of energy.

 E = h f or E = h (c/ λ) 
where E is the energy of a photon in joules, h is Planck's constant ( h = 6.626 x 10 -34 Js),  f is the light's frequency in sec-1, c is the speed of light 2.99 x 108 m/s and λ is the wavelength in meters.

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Physics: explain the wave particle dualityany object in
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