Watch the movie THE PRODUCERS. You may watch either the 1968 version with Gene Wilder and Zero Mostel or the 2005 version with Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane. I'd prefer you watch the 2005 version as the 1968 version is rather dated. The 2005 version is available free on some online sites, in the MDC library, some city libraries and on HBO to Go or On Demand. The 1968 version is on Netflix.
Choose only ONE topic for your paper
1. In the film ‘The Producers", Max and Leo attempt to stage a theatrical failure. Although these characters are not exactly ethical, they can still be considered "Comic Heroes". Choose one character, either Max or Leo, and explain how he would fit our definition of a comic hero. Cite specific examples from the movie.
2. Explain how "The Producers" fit our defined requirements/qualities for the genre "Comedy". Cite specific examples from the movie.
3. Explain the uses of the variety of comic levels (steps of the comic ladder as explained in class) and cite specific examples of when and where they are used IN THE FILM.