Essay Question
Which theoretical approach that we have examined in this course best explains the causes of war? In answering this question, compare and contrast the five approaches we have studied, and use five empirical examples of wars in the past 200 years to support your arguments.
Your essay should not exceed 8-pages in length, not including references (there is no need for a title page, a table of contents, or any appendices). The paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, double-spaced, in 12 point font, and 1" margins. Make sure to cite your sources (which may be from the course readings, and beyond), and use Turabian parenthetical citation style.
These are the five theoretical approaches .
1. Forum Question: Theories, Paradigms, and Levels of Analysis
Offer at least two plausible hypotheses at the system- and unit-level of analysis, explaining the US decision not to intervene in a significant manner in the current Syrian Civil War thus far. Discuss at least two observable implications of these hypotheses that could help one test their veracity.
2. Forum Question: Systemic theories: Neorealism, Neoliberalism, and Constructivism
The rise of China over the last three decades has been a significant cause of concern among Neo-Realist students of international relations. Do you believe this concern is justified? Why? Even if you do agree, discuss at least two theoretical counter-arguments, at the systemic level, that offer less pessimistic conclusions about China's rise.
3. Forum Question: The unit level: Neo-classical Realism, Liberalism, and Culture
Do you believe that cultural/ideational factors help explain America's interactions with the outside world? Explain why, or why not. Regardless of your answer, offer a plausible hypothesis about the effects of culture on America's foreign policy, and discuss ways to test this hypothesis empirically.
4. Forum Question: The Individual Level: Policymakers and their environment
Under what conditions, if any, is the individual level of analysis more useful than the unit-level or system-level? Why? In your response, describe at least three specific examples in which the individual level of analysis could provide greater insight into state actions.
5. Forum Question: Alternative Approaches: Feminism, Post-Structuralism, (Neo) Marxism
Critical theoretical approaches (such as Feminism and Post-Structuralism) argue that the scientific method/positivism is an inappropriate tool for the study of international relations. Do you agree? Why? Regardless of your answer, offer at least two advantages of the use of Critical Theory in the study of International Relations.
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