Explain the type of innovation applied


For the existing NEW ZEALAND entrepreneurial company sharesies nz

1) Introduction

2) Section 1 - Problem Identification: Identify a key issue within the company and how it is impacting the company's stated strategic imperative(s) and critique the situation the company is in that is leading to the issue identified

3) Section 2 - Proposed innovative Entrepreneurial Endeavors: Outline the activities proposed (the entrepreneurial endeavours), explain the type of innovation applied, and how the activities will address the problem(s) identified in Section 1. Include an implementation timeline for the activities proposed.

4) Section 3 - Proposed innovative Marketing Activities: Outline the marketing activities proposed, explain the type of innovation applied, and how the activities will address the problem(s) identified in Section 1. Include an implementation timeline for the activities proposed.

5) Section 4 - Assess the integration of entrepreneurial endeavours and marketing activities with the firm's stated strategic imperative - are the proposed entrepreneurial endeavours and marketing activities integrated into an achievable whole and do they address the firm's stated strategic imperative?

6) Conclusion

7) References: a minimum of 25 references is required

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Business Management: Explain the type of innovation applied
Reference No:- TGS03237356

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