
Explain the type of domestic counterintelligence

Create 400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

What impact do you think COINTELPRO had on the evolution of U.S. counterintelligence? Explain.

What activities, if any, do you feel were the most shocking in terms of ethics and legality? Why?

What activities, if any, do you feel were completely necessary to ensure national security? Why?

Overall, do you feel that the controversial counterintelligence tactics used during COINTELPRO were necessary to protect U.S. national security?

Are there any circumstances where you feel this type of domestic counterintelligence should be allowed? Why or why not?

Your posting should be more than just opinion and should present a valid argument that is supported by factual information.


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Other Subject: Explain the type of domestic counterintelligence
Reference No:- TGS01977445

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