
Explain the truth about energy drinks and food bars you


Brief Description

In Part 1, you will choose a presentation topic; select a minimum of 5 scholarly, peer-reviewedjournals;and develop an outline and reference page in preparation for the PowerPoint Presentation. This assignment must not exceed 3 pages.


Public health nutritionists are often required to educate the public on various nutrition topics.One of the best ways to assess if you understand a concept is to teach or explain it to someone else.Thus, the purpose of this assignment is to present a nutritional topic to a target audience based on scholarly, peer-reviewed literature.


To persuade the audience to make better choices regarding health.


Your target audience is overweight high school students who have demonstrated initiative and an interest in nutrition and health.The presentation mustbe geared toward this population.When developing this presentation, take into consideration your audience's reading level, cognitive abilities, and interests.The completed PowerPoint presentation (due inModule/Week 8)must be at least 15-20 minutes and must include between 15-20 slides. Each slide must take between 45-60 seconds to present.

In Part 1, you must have a clear understanding of the message you want to deliver in your presentation before you create the PowerPoint.Do not create PowerPoint slides at this time.

In Part 1, choose a presentation topic from the following list:

• Smart snacking - apart of healthy eating,
• Eating well while eating out,
• The truth about energy drinks and food bars,
• Improve your body image,
• Increase your energy level, and
• How to build muscle.

You will first collect sources from Liberty University's Online Libraryand develop an outline. Select a minimum of 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed journals from the above list.

A scholarly source is a publication of original research.Scholarly journal articles often have an abstract, a descriptive summary of the article contents, before the main text of the article.This is one of the primary methods researchers use to communicate the results of their research to others in their field of study. The language used is often technical and discipline-specific.They generally share the methodology used to conduct the research and the results of the research.Sources are documented in a bibliography and the credentials of the author(s) are given in the paper.

Scholarly work is not published or available until it has gone through a process of review by a panel of experts in that specific field of study. These people generally have equal or superior knowledge to the author. Therefore, these sources are safe to use as support in an academic assignment.

Do not use popular sources of information, which are also available. This includes publications such as newspapers, magazines, or articles reporting current events or summarizing research. Articles are usually a short overview of a topic presented in everyday language. It is often illustrated with pictures and advertisements. While sources may be quoted, there are often no bibliographies. These sources are not safe to use as support in an academic assignment.

When searching, think broadly about your topic.These will form the basis for your presentation topic. The sources must be current (published within the last 5 years) and include studies that support a healthier diet.Be sure that your presentation addresses topics from the textbook readings and includes the following:

• An explanation of thebasic principles of digestion, absorption, and metabolism and how they relate to the topic at hand;
• A recommendation ofnutrient-dense foods that follow dietary recommendations;
• Consideration of the life cycle nutrition for adolescents;
• An address of risks associated with poor nutrition; and
• Integration of at least 1biblical principal into the presentation.

Develop an outline for the presentation; include at least3-4 major headings and at least 2-3 subheadings under each major heading.Do not use the outline mode on PowerPoint as your submission for this portion of the assignment.Instead, use a Word document.

The reference page must be in current AMA format.

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Dissertation: Explain the truth about energy drinks and food bars you
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