explain the transfer from liquid medium to solid

Explain the Transfer from liquid medium to solid media?

Here the steps involved include:

1. Inoculating loop is sterilized by incineration and allowed to cool, as described earlier.

2. Liquid culture tube is held in left hand and cotton plug or cap is removed with the little finger of the right hand that holds the sterile inoculating loop.

3. Neck of the tube is flamed briefly and a loopful of culture is taken by inoculating loop for inoculating agar plate or slants.

4. Cap or Cotton plug is replaced on the tube after reflaming the mouth.

5. Agar plate is held in the palm of the left hand near the flame and lid is opened slightly with the thumb. The agar plate is inoculated either in the centre by the culture on the inoculating loop or by the streak method and lid is replaced on the plate.

6. For agar slants, cotton plug or cap is removed from the slant tube. The neck is flamed and then slant is inoculated by inserting and drawing inoculating loop in a slant tube lightly over hardened surface in a zig-zag/straight line. The tube neck is reflamed and cap is replaced. For deep agar tubes, inoculation is done with sterilized inoculating needle. It is inserted straight into the agar upto the bottom (stab inoculation).

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Biology: explain the transfer from liquid medium to solid
Reference No:- TGS0292669

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