Explain the three-stage memory model

Assignment task: Introduction to Psychology


1. Define in your own words the following concepts related to memory and cognition:

  • age-related positivity effect
  • anterograde amnesia
  • chunking
  • consolidation
  • constructive process
  • distributed practice
  • elaborative rehearsal
  • encoding
  • encoding-specificity principle
  • encoding, storage, and retrieval (ESR) model
  • episodic memory
  • explicit/declarative memory
  • flashbulb memory (FBM)
  • implicit/nondeclarative memory
  • levels of processing model
  • long-term memory (LTM)
  • long-term potentiation (LTP)
  • maintenance rehearsal
  • massed practice
  • memory
  • misinformation effect
  • mnemonic
  • parallel distributed processing (PDP) model
  • proactive interference
  • repression
  • retrieval
  • retrieval cues
  • retroactive interference
  • retrograde amnesia
  • semantic memory
  • sensory memory
  • serial-position effect
  • short-term memory (STM)
  • source amnesia
  • storage
  • three-stage memory model
  • tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon
  • working memory

2. Develop a diagram in which you explain the Three-Stage Memory Model.

3. What are the four (4) major memory models? Explain them.

4. Explain the Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval (ESR) Model vs. a Computer.

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