
Explain the theory of plate tectonics


Explain the Theory of Plate Tectonics. What are the 3 types of Plate Boundaries and give examples of each PB? What are the sub divisions of each boundary also give examples of every sub division.  Post images of the examples you cite. There are 4 parts to this Discussion Board

Apart from the text in the text book you can also find tons and tons of articles on the Internet through credible sources (news websites, Geology Today, documentaries on you tube etc). Enter as a text file only. Attachments will not be accepted.

Make sure you are able to write down atleast 21 sentences along with images to be able to make full points on this assignment. Follow the deadline posted in the syllabus to post your answers. If you a do not post by the given deadline you will receive a grade of zero regardless.

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Science: Explain the theory of plate tectonics
Reference No:- TGS03419447

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