
Explain the theory of criminal justice system


Historical - choose a theory and theorist and explain in detail the theory and theorist chosen - cite all references in APA.

Include a court case (as recent as 5 years) where the theory fits the circumstances of the case. Expound upon the principles of the case and why you feel the theory fits. Cite all references in APA.

Implication - Include the implications of having this theory as part of the Criminal Justice System and how the system would be different if this theory was non-existent. Additionally - what impact can you have on the system if you chose to further postulate on the theory chosen.

Cite 15-20 sources-this is the portion of the paper where students loose the most points because they INCCORECTLY cite the references.

Paper must be 10 pages of CONTENT not inclusive of the title page and references.

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Business Law and Ethics: Explain the theory of criminal justice system
Reference No:- TGS02046235

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