
Explain the term value-added

Response to the following:

List and briefly explain the four basic source of variation and explain why it is important foe managers to be able to effectively deal with variation.

Why do people do things that ate unethical?

Explain the term value-added.

Discuss the various impacts of outsourcing.

Discuss the term sustainability; and its relevance for business organization.

This hem appears at the end of each chapter tit is intended to focus your attention on three key issues for TAKING STOCK business organisations in general, and operations management in particular. Those mums arc ;MVO. decisions. collaboration anions various functional aims of the organizairon. and the impact onechnology.

I. What are tradeoffs? Why is threthl consideration of undo-offs imponant in decision natant?

2. Why is it important for the various functional areas ola business otgantration to collaborate?

3, In what general ways does technology have an impact on ormations management decision making?


This item also will appear in every chapter. It allows you to ethically apply information you learned in the chapter to a practical situation. Here o the first set of exercises-.

I. Many olganintions offer a combination of goods and services to their tusthillen. Asymi learned in this chapter. there are some key dine:once: between production of goods and delivery of =vices What are the implications of these differences relative to managing operations?

2. Why is it important to match supply and demand? If a manager believes that supply and demand will not be opal, what actions could the manager lake to increase the probability of achieving a

3. One way that organizations compete is through (ethnological innovation. itimmer, them can be downsides for both the organization and the consumer. Explain.

4. a. What are some possible reasons a business person would make an unethical decision?

b. What are the reales of doing so?

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Other Management: Explain the term value-added
Reference No:- TGS01856650

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