
explain the term lipidsif somebody discovers that

Explain the term Lipids?

If somebody discovers that you have some knowledge of nutrition, you will be promptly shooted with two questions, first, "Oh! You really can tell how much to eat?' and second, "Tell me which oil to eat 'X' or 'Y'? In view of learning about other macronutrients in previous units on carbohydrates and proteins, let us now embark to learn more about lipids. This unit will detail on types and functions of fats and oils, their requirements and significance in health and disease. Changing dietary patterns can sometimes lead to higher risk of some diseases. On the other hand, prudent decisions on qualitative and quantitative aspects of fat can in fact prevent the onset of certain diseases associated with contemporary lifestyles. At the end of going through this unit, you must do self assessment and recapitulate various dimensions of knowledge pertaining to dietary fats and oils. You will acquire adequate skills and confidence to prescribe fats and oils to any community. Tips will be given to reduce fat intake from human dietaries and will come handy in counseling patients of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. You will be able to modify fat intake of patients with fat mal-absorption and liver diseases.

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Biology: explain the term lipidsif somebody discovers that
Reference No:- TGS0309045

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