Question 1: Define the term 'research context'? Why is it important to frame a very clear and concise research question?
Question 2: Explain the term 'applied research'? Provide some examples of applied research tools & methods and explain how they can be applied to research?
Question 3: Briefly discuss four different data collection techniques involved in research.
Question 4: Outline the technologies that can be used to support data collection and analysis?
Question 5: Briefly discuss the presentation techniques and reporting methods to present the research findings.
Question 6: Explain the legal requirements, policies, procedures and guidelines to store, secure and maintain privacy (confidentiality) of collected data?
Question 7: Outline the significance of research ethics and code of conduct in relation to applied research.
Question 8: Write down the factors that affect reliability and validity of data?
Question 9: How does action research differ from conventional research? What would you consider while implementing a research project in your workplace? (Write about things you take into account before undertaking a project).
Question 10: Discuss why is it important to maintain privacy during research? List various considerations for confidentiality while conducting a research.