
Explain the structure of roman art

Consider the following questions:

The Laocoon Group (1st Century, CE) and the Apollo Belvedere (Roman copy after a 4th century BCE Greek original) is examined:

1. What is the FORM of the work (the overall structure including line, shape, texture, value, color and balance)?

2. Does the work have SUBJECT MATTER (if so, what is literally depicted)?

3. What is the CONTENT (what is the religious, philosophical and/or historical significance)?

Answer the below list of questions in a comparative essay to evaluate your choices. Be sure to introduce the works you've chosen.

See the unit Resources List for sites that can help you write an effective compare/contrast essay.

1. What is the FORM of the work (the overall structure including line, shape, texture, value, color and balance)?

2. Does the work have SUBJECT MATTER (if so, what is literally depicted)?

3. What is the CONTENT (what is the religious, philosophical and/or historical significance)?


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Other Subject: Explain the structure of roman art
Reference No:- TGS01917527

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