I just need someone to answer all the question with a paragraph each. Just needs to be a page 1-2 pages max. I am a Medical School student and I am looking for something related to my field. Could be anything related to medicine. This is not a essay and just needs to be in a answer format paragraph each w 5-6 lines maximum. This is for a statistics class.
Find and critique one article in your area of interest where the authors use either a correlation/regression. Include the reference to your article using appropriate APA format. Your article must be from a peer-reviewed journal. Your critique should include the following:
1. State the purpose of the study (question study addresses) briefly.
2. Explain the importance of the question being asked.
3. Identify what sampling method was used and explain how this was or was not an appropriate sampling method.
4. Explain the statistical analysis (HINT: DEFINE A CORRELATION/REGRESSION). What is the dependent variable? What is the independent variable(s)? What level of measurement are the IV(s) and DV?
5. Was the null hypothesis rejected? What information did you use to lead you to your conclusion? What did the authors(s) conclude based upon whether or not they obtained statistical significance? Explain whether or not the results have practical significance.
6. Include a "Teaching Point" in which you explain something in the article that is new to you - could be study design, sampling method, statistical analysis, etc. or something in the article that helped you better understand the material covered in this week's readings.