
Explain the states and federal government categorize

Please answer each question accordingly. If you do not know your criminal justice, please don't answer. NOT YOUR REGULAR MULTIPLE CHOICE

1. Generally, disorderly conduct statutes prohibit all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Continuing to engage in political protest after being advised to desist
b. Making loud and unreasonable noise, obscene utterance or gesture
c. Create a hazardous condition by an act that does not serve a legitimate purpose
d. Engage in fighting or threatening, or state fighting words

2. In many jurisdictions, the criminal intent for disorderly conduct is _______:
a. Specific
b. Purposely
c. Recklessly
d. All of the above

3. The Supreme Court has found loitering statutes are unconstitutional if:
a. They target the unemployed
b. So vague that they criminalize loitering in an area with no apparent purpose
c. They fail to provide law enforcement with the ability to credibly and reliably identify violators
d. All of the above

4. One of the more common constitutional challenges to panhandling statutes is:
a. They violate the 4th Amendment's prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures
b. They violate the 8th Amendment's prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment
c. They violate the 1st Amendment's right to free speech
d. None of the above

5. The significant element distinguishing lawful assembly from unlawful assembly is:
a. The number of people
b. The degree to which the views expressed by the group are shared by society at large
c. The intent to commit a breach of the peace, some other unlawful act or riot
d. None of the above

6. Unlawful assembly and failure to disperse statutes can be constitutionally challenged primarlily:
a. Under the 8th Amendment
b. Under the 1st Amendment
c. Under the 4th Amendment
d. None of the above

7. State's legalization of marijuana for personal use or medical use technically violates:
a. Article III
b. The Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment
c. The Commerce Clause
d. The Supremacy Clause

8. Recent trends with regard to drug statutes include:
a. The emphasis on rehabilitation for nonviolent drug offenders
b. Decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana
c. Legalization of marijuana for medical use
d. All of the above

9. The states and federal government categorize illegal drugs:
a. In schedules based on their current use within the United States
b. In schedules based on their current price within the United States
c. In schedules based on their harmful or addictive qualities
d. None of the above

10. Every state in the United States criminalizes prostitution EXCEPT:
a. The District of Columbia
b. Hawaii
c. Florida
d. Nevada

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Dissertation: Explain the states and federal government categorize
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