
explain the statements present in assembly

Explain the Statements Present in Assembly Language

An assembly program consists of subsequent three types of statements:

a. Imperative statements: this point out an action to be carried out during execution of the assembled program. Every imperative statement usually translates into one machine instruction.

b. Declaration statements: The syntax of declaration statements is like this:

        [Label]      DS
        [Label]      DC ‘

The DS statement reserves areas of memory and links names with them.
The DC statement constructs memory words containing constants.

c. Assembler directives: These instruct the assembler to carry out specific actions during the assembly of a program. For instance 
START directive points out that the first word of the target program generated by the assembler should be placed in the memory word along with address .

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Operating System: explain the statements present in assembly
Reference No:- TGS0283469

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