
Explain the significance of the information from the source


Format for your evaluation paper

Basic guidelines

Your paper must be in MLA format

It should be at least four pages long plus a Works Cited page.

The writing should be in Standard American English, well-structured, easy to follow, free from personal references and unnecessary wordiness.

You choose a person, place, thing, event, or phenomenon and then argue that it is a good or bad instantiation of the category in which you place it.

Your introduction should

o Present the subject of your evaluation: "the person, place, thing, event, or phenomenon that you are evaluating" (Ramage et al. 371).
o Show why evaluating X is problematic or controversial
o Present your evaluation claim and your criteria

Your audience

o Intelligent readers

Your purpose

o Persuade your audience to see the value (or lack of value) of X.

Each body paragraph should

o State a criterion and defend it if necessary
o Show that X meets or does not meet the criterion

Treatment of alternative or opposing views

o Summarize objections to your criteria or your match
o Respond to these objections

Each reference to a source should

• Introduce the source using an attributive tag (Ramage et al. 555)
• Quote or summarize the important information from that source
• Explain the significance of the information from the source
• Include a correct MLA in-text citation which is also referenced in the final Works Cited page

Your conclusion should

o Sum up your evaluation.

A final note

This paper is not about you. It is about the issue. Therefore, the following words and phrases do not belong in your essay: I me, myself, we, us, in my opinion, I think, I believe. Your paper is also not about your reader, and you do not know your reader personally; therefore, the following words do not belong in your essay either: you, your, you're, yourself.

*Figure 14.3 which illustrates the framework for an evaluation argument is on page 374 of your text

Planning sheet for evaluation paper.

1.  What are you evaluating?


2. How are you categorizing it?


3. By what criteria are you judging it?

• Believable acting
• Quartet
• Appropriate costumes
• Shot location

Main thing to write about is " Does the movie harry potter meet the criteria 1? Does the movie harry potter meet the criteria 2? Does the movie harry potter meet the criteria 3?"

4. What is controversial about your evaluation? The category you chose? The criteria?

5. What are some objections that a reader might have?

The readers might objections on sixth movie " Harry potter and the half blood prince." It is more upsetting for children's and teenagers.


• Present issue
• Establish why it is problematic or controversial
• Present your claim and criteria


• Criteria 1: X does an excellent job
• Criteria 2. In addition to c1, x also meets C2
• Criteria 3: most importantly x does /has/is


• Some may say that x does not have c3.
• Some may say that x is not class Y.

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Other Subject: Explain the significance of the information from the source
Reference No:- TGS02489939

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