
Explain the role of the human service professional


1. Imagine that you are a Child Protective Services social worker, charged with writing a case plan for a mother who had her child removed because the child was sexually abused in her care. The mother was not the perpetrator, but did not initially believe her child's disclosure and allowed the perpetrator to remain in her home. What things would you put on the case plan to help the mother get the child returned to her care? What would you actually put on the case plan itself?

2. Please read the following excerpt from this great handbook https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org/userfiles/file/ImmigrantWomen/PFV-Community%20Engagement.pdf

"Invite, don't indict" the men in the community. Men often feel blamed, defensive and excluded- ed when the issue of family violence comes up. Some believe that social service systems are biased in favor of women and punitive to men, particularly poor men of color. Framing all men as perpetrators or potential perpetrators makes it difficult to bring them into the conversation. It is important to create a language and context for community mobilization that includes and welcomes men and to recognize that they may be the most effective carriers of anti-violence messages to other men and boys."

Do you think men are an overlooked part of prevention strategies? Why or why not? If you think it necessary, how do we better include men in this fight?

3.What types of potential ethical issues may present when working with families? 4.What are your ethical obligations regarding abuse within the family?

5. In the same scenario posed in the Practice Question Part 1, imagine the father is the perpetrator. He is repentant and is working with the police, but is out on bail. In your estimation, can the relationship between he and his daughter be repaired to the point where she could be returned to her parents' home? Why or why not? What are the overall effects on the family?

6.Explain the role of the human service professional in preventing and ending family violence.

7.Determine the effect of issues related to family violence on the family.

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HR Management: Explain the role of the human service professional
Reference No:- TGS02012706

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