
Explain the role of marketing in the firm


Course Description

Marketing Management (MAR 3023) "Channels of distribution, price policies, promotion, consumer demand, product planning, the role of government in marketing, and the social evaluation of marketing."

This course will cover the concepts of Marketing that are necessary to understand how to market a product in a dynamic global world. You will learn the definitions and application of these concepts through lectures, current events, exams and a simulation game.

Course Prerequisites and Credit Hours and Class Time Commitments
Prerequisites: Junior standing, ECO 2013, ECO 2023
Credit Hours: 3

"According to Florida State Statute 6A-10.033, students must spend a minimum 2,250 minutes of in class time during a 3-credit course. Additionally, students enrolled in a 3-credit course are expected to spend a minimum of 4,500 minutes of out-of-class-time specifically working on course-related activities (i.e., reading assigned pieces, completing homework, preparing for exams and other assessments, reviewing class notes, etc.) and fulfilling any other class activities or duties as required." The course schedule for this course reflects this expectation of students.

Course Learning Objectives

After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

1. Explain the role of Marketing in the firm, our society and the global marketplace.

2. Define the Marketing Management Process and the role of strategic planning in the Marketing Management Process.

3. Define the components of a Marketing Strategy and describe how these components fit together to create a successful Marketing Plan.

4. Explain key Marketing concepts and demonstrate how to use these concepts to solve Marketing problems.

5. Identify market segments and choose Marketing Mix components appropriate for these segments.

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Marketing Management: Explain the role of marketing in the firm
Reference No:- TGS01793040

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