
Explain the role of lsquoethics in entrepreneurship 2what

Part One:

1. According to BBC English dictionary ‘Entrepreneur' refers to.................................

2. Quasi or Ostensible partners are those who have already retired from active participation.(T/F)

3. The minimum number of individuals required to form a cooperative society:
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

4. WTO stands for..............................................................................................

5. MTNL stands for Metro Telephone Network Limited.(T/F)

6. Date of sealing refers to the date when:
a. Patent office endorses final approval
b. Patent office rejects the application
c. Patent office bans the use of the application
d. None of the above

7. The term copyright is associated with:
a. Artistic work
b. Medicinal work
c. Political work
d. None of the above

8. In SWOT analysis SWOT stands for................................................................

9. VAT means Value After Tax.(T/F)

10. IDBI is a subsidiary of:
a. State bank of India
b. Reserve bank of India
c. PNB
d. None of the above

Part Two:

1. Explain the role of ‘Ethics' in Entrepreneurship.

2. What do you understand by ‘Public Limited Company'?

3. Difference between ‘Intrapreneur' & ‘Intrepreneur'.

4. What is ‘Copyright'?

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Management Theories: Explain the role of lsquoethics in entrepreneurship 2what
Reference No:- TGS01208120

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