Top University ("TU") is a major private university, which includes numerous undergraduate departments and several graduate schools. TU has both centralized Compliance and Human Resources functions that serve the entire university, as well as one or more Compliance and Human Resource executives at each graduate school. You work as a compliance professional at the centralized TU office.
You meet with Wendy Simon, a PhD student from TU's School of Public Health. TU's School of Public Health is ranked in the top three Public Health Schools in the country. Ms. Simon makes allegations about the highly regarded and celebrated dean of the School of Public Heath, Albert Fox, PhD. Dr. Fox's research on the link between food advertisements geared toward children and childhood obesity has been widely published (including in the Journal of the American Medical Association). He has appeared as an expert on numerous television shows, is widely quoted in news articles, and currently serves on the Presidential Commission on Childhood Obesity. His popularity has helped with TU's fundraising and its ability to attract top professors and students to its School of Public Health.
Ms. Simon tells you that she has first-hand knowledge that Dean Fox's research data for his most recent publication does not support his findings. She said that she worked on the study with Dean Fox, and he dismissed her inquiries regarding the basis for some of the research results. She also tells you that she will finish the PhD program in a month, and that she applied but was rejected for a new research position in the School. She reports that the Department hired another PhD student who's listed as a co-author on one of the Dean Fox's studies. She also tells you that there are rumors that the Dean is dating the student who was hired, but that she does not have any direct knowledge and does not know if the rumors are true.
Ms. Simon reports that she previously met with the HR executive for the School of Public Health. The HR manager told her that the School of Public Health has a policy of thoroughly vetting all research papers before they are submitted for publication. She also tells you that although the Dean participated in the hiring interviews for the new position, a committee of five professors from the School of Public Health made the hiring decision.
Discuss the issues you see in this scenario and propose how you would evaluate the allegations. With respect to any investigation of any of the allegations you believe is warranted, who (or what combination) among the following should conduct it: i) outside counsel; ii) in-house TU counsel; iii) central TU HR/Compliance; iv) the School of Public Health's HR/Compliance?
Explain the reasons for your selection. Feel free to use other publicly available information if you would like, and please cite any such information. Your response may not...exceed...5...0...0...words (excluding citations, if applicable)