Explain the radioisotopic dating method

Response to the following questions:

1-Regional metamorphic rocks are more common than contact metamorphic rocks. True or False

2-Faulting is usually necessary to bury a rock (‘'tectonic burial'') deep enough so that metamorphism takes place: in other words, simple burial by continuous deposition is not enough. True or False

3-In addition to the pressure and temperature, what strongly influences the types pf minerals that grow in metamorphic rock?

4-Which of the following is a metamorphic rock name


b-Twopyrpxene garnet granulite






5-Which of the following is NOT a radioisotopic dating method that is currently used

a-U-Th/He (Uranium-Thorium/Helium) dating.

b-K-Ar (Potassium-Argon) dating.

c-Fe-Mg (iron-magnesium) dating.

d-Rb-Sr (Rubidium-Strontium) dating

e-Lu-Hf (Lutetium-Hafnium) dating

f-U-Pb (Uranium-Lead) dating.


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Other Subject: Explain the radioisotopic dating method
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