
explain the queens college step test this test

Explain the Queens College Step Test?

This test can be administered to large groups or those who are incapable of doing a test up till exhaustion. For this test, a bench (41 cm high), stopwatch, metronome are required. Metronome is an apparatus which sets beats and pace for up and down process during stepping. Different paces at slower or faster rate can be adjusted with metronome. Stepping pace in this test for women is 22 step min and for men it is 24 step min. Subjects step using a four-step cadence, 'UP-UP-DOWN-DOWN'.

This implies that the subject first keeps right foot on the 41cm high benches then left foot up, then right foot down and finally left foot down. This is repeated continuously for 3 minutes and then immediately their pulse for 15 seconds is taken, 5-20 seconds into recovery. Multiplying this 15 second reading by 4 will give beats per minute figure of the subject. Using the prediction equations based on linear relationship between heart rate and oxygen consumption the subjects one minute end test pulse reading can be used to predict a value for their Max VO2.

For men: V02 max = 111.33 - (0.42 x step test pulse rate beats/min)

For women: VO2, max = 65.81 - (0.1847 x step test pulse rate beats/min)

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Biology: explain the queens college step test this test
Reference No:- TGS0307150

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