(a) Name any three methods (analog or digital) to condition a signal and briefly explain each of them. (6 marks)
(b) A high-pass RC filter must drive 120 Hz noise down to 1%. Specify the filter critical frequency, values of R and C, and the attenuation of a 30 kHz signal. Use the given formula.
|Vout/Vin| = (f/fc)/[1 + (f/fc)2]1/2
(c) Explain how a low pass RC filter can be built with just a resistor and a capacitor. Draw a circuit diagram to illustrate your answer and explain how the circuit functions as a low pass filter. Your answers should contain explanations on how the resistor and capacitor behave then high and low frequencies are passing through them. How they behave when subjected to high or low frequencies determine whether the filter will be a high pass or a low pass filter.

Figure 3: A non-inverting amplifier.
Figure 3 shows a non-inverting amplifier. Use this amplifier to design a high impedance amplifier with a voltage gain of 42. Use the given equation to determine the values of the resistors you will need to design the amplifier.
Vout = [1 + R2/R1]Vin
(a) Explain the purpose of using analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs) in signal conditioning.
(b) Determine the digital word that results from a 3.127V input to a 5-bit ADC with a 5V reference. Use the given formula.
b1/2 + b2/22 + .....+ bn/2n ≤ Vin/VR
(c) Design and draw an amplifier circuit that can provide an output voltage related to the input voltage by Vout = 3.4Vin + 5. Hint: use two summing amplifiers to construct your circuit and suggest the values of all the resistors in the circuit. You also need to explain your chosen values for the resistors.