Question 1: Give an example of a situation in which project management is needed.
Question 2: Explain the purpose of project organization.
Question 3: What are the three phases involved in the management of a large project?
Question 4: What are some of the questions that can be answered with PERT and CPM?
Question 5: Define work breakdown structure. How is it used?
Question 6: What is the use of Gantt charts in project management?
Question 7: What is the difference between an activity-on-arrow (AOA) network and an activity-on-node (AON) network? Which is primarily used in this chapter?
Question 8: What is the significance of the critical path?
Question 9: What would a project manager have to do to crash an activity?
Question 10: Describe how expected activity times and variances can be computed in a PERT network.
Question 11: Define earliest start, earliest finish, latest finish, and latest start times.
Question 12: Students are sometimes confused by the concept of critical path, and want to believe that it is the shortest path through a network. Convincingly explain why this is not so.
Question 13: What are dummy activities? Why are they used in activity-on-arrow (AOA) project networks?
Question 14: What are the three time estimates used with PERT?
Question 15: Would a project manager ever consider crashing a noncritical activity in a project network? Explain convincingly.
Question 16: How is the variance of the total project computed in PERT?
Question 17: Describe the meaning of slack, and discuss how it can be determined.
Question 18: How can we determine the probability that a project will be completed by a certain date? What assumptions are made in this computation?
Question 19: Name some of the widely used project management software programs.
Question 20: What is the difference between the waterfall approach and agile project management?
Operations Management, 14/eby Jay Heizer, Barry Render, and Chuck Munson