
Explain the purpose of having user involvement and product

Discussion Question 1: "Ensuring Consistent Availability of DHCP and Internal Domain Creation Best Practices"

Respond to the following:

• Provide one example of a business networking scenario that would demand consistent availability of the DHCP service. From the textbook, choose at least two of the overall objectives Microsoft used when designing DHCP and demonstrate the extent to which each contributes to the need for consistent DHCP availability in your scenario. Next, provide one example of a business networking scenario where DHCP availability would not be as critical by contrasting it to one of the objectives Microsoft used when designing DHCP.

• Examine at least two best practices you should follow when creating internal domains. Provide one example for each to demonstrate the degree to which each practice can help increase network efficiency and help cut costs for an organization.

Discussion Question 2: "Data Analysis and Interaction Design"

Respond to the following:

• The collection of usability data from consumers can come from a variety of format methods (i.e., a Website, text message, door-to-door, phone call, etc.). NVivo and Atlas are two well-known data analysis tools described in the textbook. Determine which tool you prefer over the other and explain why.

There are key steps involved in product development before the design process can proceed. Explain the purpose of having user involvement and product goals before requirements can be established. Suggest the degree to which most users should be involved.

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Computer Engineering: Explain the purpose of having user involvement and product
Reference No:- TGS02774583

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