
Explain the purpose and function of the national response


Discussion- Have you ever been involved with a hazardous material spill response or cleanup operation? What was your role? How would you rate the plans that were used? Share your experience with the class. If you have never been involved in spill response or cleanup, what role, if any, do you think you should have in your current position or a previous position? No word limit.

1) We may not be able to control the weather, but we can use weather characteristics to assess risks in hazardous material spills. What are some of the weather characteristics where you live that might create problems during a spill response or cleanup operation?

2) What are the differences between threshold limit value and permissible exposure limit? Which one should be used when considering the toxicity of a spilled hazardous material?

3) Explain the purpose and function of the National Response Center.

4) Why is it important to conduct a risk assessment before establishing an emergency response action plan?

5) In a spill response operation, one of the basic operating principles is to not make the situation worse. Discuss a real or imagined spill scenario, and explain two or more actions that might make the situation worse.

6) Operational Readiness has a list of questions that can be used to aid in planning exercises and drills. Which question would you judge as most important? Which question would you judge as most likely to be deficient in an organization? Use examples to help explain your decisions.

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Dissertation: Explain the purpose and function of the national response
Reference No:- TGS01720137

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