
Explain the process to convert an analog signal to a

1. Explain the process to convert an analog signal to a digital one.
>it done by recording and taking samples of the analogy signals to be digital, the more samples taken within a specific time frame
the higher the quality and the closer it is to the original

2. 1.4 from TEXT
decompress ( 00 00 01 10 11 010101010101 00 00 10 10 )
00 > 000000000000 , 01 > 000000000001 , 10 > 111111111111 , 11 > the part the comes after is not compressed.
the original uncompressed ( 000000000000 000000000000 000000000001 111111111111 010101010101 000000000000 000000000000 11111111111 111111111111 )

3. Encode your first name into bits using the ASCII encoding table in figure 1.9
Omar ->-> O > 100 1111 , m > 110 1101 , a > 110 0001 , r > 111 0010

4. 1.7 from TEXT
000 > Means the buttons are not pressed
A > 001 , B > 011 , C > 010 , D > 110 , E > 100 , F > 101 , G > 111 .

5. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal numbers:
- 101 > 1+4= 5 base 10
- 001 > 1 base 10
- 1010 > 2+8= 10 base 10
- 1110001 > 1+16+32+64= 113 base 10
- 10101010 > 2+8+32+128= 170 base 10

6. Convert the following decimal number to binary numbers:
- 3 > 11 base 2
- 15 > 1111 base 2
- 16 > 10000 base 2
- 34 > 100010 base 2
- 93 > 1011101 base 2

7.Convert the following octal numbers to binary numbers:
- 7 > 111 base 2
- 12 > 1010 base 2
- 23 > 10011 base 2
- 26 > 10110 base 2
- 38 > Can't, because octal only gets to 7 or is it within (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

8. Convert binary octal numbers from exercise #7 to hexadecimal
- 111> 7 base 16
- 1010> A base 16
- 10011> 13 base 16
- 10110> 16 base 16

9. Convert the folowing Hexadecimal numbers to binary
- 3 > 11 base 2
- 1B > 11011 base 2
- CA > 11001010 base 2
- 01DE > 00000001110111110 base 2
- FADE3 > 11111010110111100011 base 2

10. Convert the hexadecimal numbers from exercise #9 to octal
- 3> 3 base 8
- 1B> 33 base 8
- CA> 312 base 8
- 01DE> 736 basse 8
- FADE3> 3726743 base 8

11. Describe the concept know as Moore's Law
>> Moore's law goes back to Gordon Moore in 1965 as he noticed that the number of transistors have doubled since it was invented,
and he predicted it would continue to do so in the future.

12. Explain the behavior of the nMOS gate
nMOS is a transistor that works like a switch, if the value is "1" then the gate would be "ON," and "0" would be "OFF"
However, pMOS is the other way around

13. 2.10 from TEXT

14. Evaluate the equation: F = (a)' OR (b AND c) for the given values of variables:
- a = 1, b = 1, c = 1
- a = 1, b = 0, c = 1
- a = 0, b = 1, c = 0
- a = 0, b = 0, c = 1
- a = 1, b = 1, c = 0

15. 2.17 from TEXT

16. 2.23 from TEXT

17. Use algebraic manipulation to convert the following equation to sum of products from: (Explain which properties used)
- F = (a + b)c + cb'

18. Use DeMorgan's Law to find the inverse of the following equation:
- F = ab + c

19. Convert the following boolean equations to a digital circuit:
- F(a,b,c) = ab + c
- F(a,b,c) = a' + ab + c' + b

20. 2.33 from TEXT

21. 2.35 from TEXT

22. 2.44 from TEXT

23. Convert the following Boolean equations to canonical sum-of-midterms form:
- F(a,b,c) = ab' + a'
- F(a,b,c) = a
- F(a,b,c) = c'b + ab

24. 2.52 from TEXT

25. Determine whether the Boolean functions listed below are equivalent using (a) algebric manipulation and (b) truth tables:
- F = (a + b)'
- G = a'b'

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Other Engineering: Explain the process to convert an analog signal to a
Reference No:- TGS01719017

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